Saturday, July 28, 2007

Earl the Hunter

I just wrote a glowing review of a memoir by one of PETA's fearless leaders, so y'all cut me some slack on this video, which is just too good not to share. The best thing about it is the fiddle music in the beginning--it's Luther Strong, one of the greatest of the old-time fiddlers. If the blood of the hunt makes you queasy, just close your eyes and listen.

I do so miss having a kitty...


Anonymous said...

I'd say he's a good 'un and a keeper!

Anonymous said...

I was at the shelter yesterday, and they have LOTS of kittens awaiting adoption.

BitterGrace said...

Isn't he, Renee? That is a cat's cat.

Bozo, you have no idea how I have to restrain myself from taking in a cat. Unfortunately, my last rescued dog, Nio, presents a serious obstacle. He's a wonderful boy, but I'm afraid he grew up wild and rough and is simply not to be trusted around a cat. I would find it hard to live with the constant possibility of one of my pets eating another, so until Nio gets a lot older and slower, we're going to remain feline-free around here.

chayaruchama said...

I DO love me some cat.
Unfortunately, most leave me with laryngeal edema, and eyes resembling fried eggs....
Not nearly as attractive as it sounds.

Earl is definitely a man's man.
That fiddle's a treat !