Monday, September 22, 2008


I'd hoped to have a "Bring Out Your Dead" post ready today, but life and Mabon observances intervened. While looking for something suitably funereal as a substitute, I came across this clip of the restored 1911 film L'Inferno. You can read more about it here. I've never seen the whole movie, but the imagery in this clip is wonderful, and it captures something of the spirit of Dante. The pasted-on Tangerine Dream score seems to drive a lot of online reviewers crazy, but I don't think it's that bad.** If you're the sensitive type, just hit the mute button.

Clip uploaded by astique333 at Youtube.

**UPDATE: Oops, shoulda looked at the Youtube page more carefully. The music on this clip is not the Tangerine Dream score. It's by a Russian electronic music composer, Eduard Artemyev. You can see his MySpace page here. A trailer of L'Inferno with the TD score is here.


Anonymous said...

That's very freaky!

chayaruchama said...

You DO realise that Retrograde Mercury is again among us... ?!

'Nuff said, eh ?

You smell AWESOME< btw, Gracie.
Mwah !
Kisses to you, too, Reneeska...

BitterGrace said...

Lovin' the Ambar Gris, Chaya. Dave loves it, too.

I'm just gonna enjoy the freakiness, and not worry about the Mercury retro thing. It's a buzz kill.

Mary said...

That was really cool.