Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Mabon

My favorite time of year has officially arrived. I'll be celebrating with wine and pomegranates. I hope it's a beautiful day wherever you are.

Illustration from Tacuinum Sanitatis, 14th century, by way of Wikimedia Commons.


ScentScelf said...

I do love an equinox...but must confess that the solstices hold my ultimate fancy.

Best wishes to you and your happy celebration.

BitterGrace said...

Thank Scentscelf. I have a special fondness for Mabon, but I agree that the solstices are more exciting, especially winter. The sunrise on the day of the winter solstice is always magical.

chayaruchama said...

My favorite, too.
Be blessed with plenitude, my sisters.

BitterGrace said...

I hope you're enjoying the fall, Chaya. I know summer is not your fave.

Mary said...

Mabon is a special time. Love you, M.!

BitterGrace said...

Does it feel as if there's a special energy to Mabon this year? It just seems like everything's humming. I'm very aware of it without even trying to be.