Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This announcement will startle few, and few will be grieved by it.*

I'm back. Poe's birthday seems like a good moment to return from the void. Hope to account for myself in posts to come. Meanwhile, in honor of the day, I recommend to you one of my favorite short stories by Madison Smartt Bell, "Small Blue Thing" -- a clever tribute to the birthday boy.

And here's a short animated film that takes off the beginning of "The Tell-Tale Heart":

*Taking liberties with the line from Rufus Griswold's famous obituary for Poe: "This announcement will startle many, but few will be grieved by it." Read the whole obit here.


AnyasGardenPerfumes said...

For the second year in a row, the "mysterious stranger" who visits his grave every birthday is a "no-show". I grew up reading about his visits, which started in the 40's. Doesn't look good. I wonder if someone will take up the tradition. Will it be the same?

Alyssa said...

So glad to see you back, M!

ScentScelf said...

Neither startled, nor grieved, but quietly pleased.

It's nice to have you back, and with treasures, too. Dare I say "you had me at "hello," Madson Smartt Bell?

Olfacta said...

Glad you're back Maria!

indieperfumes said...

What a brilliant find and reading for EAP's birthday. I visited the grave myself this past year, though had to peer through the grate, it was Sunday and the churchyard was closed (you would think the opposite on that day of the week, wouldn't you).

can't wait to hear of your doings

BitterGrace said...

It's nice to be back!

It is sad to think that Poe's visitor is no more. Surely there will be another.

I'm glad y'all like the story. If you'd like to hear the author read a little of it, go here. (Not the best quality video, but you'll get a sense of Madison's inimitable delivery.)

Minnie said...

What a re-entry! Glad you're back.

Aparatchick said...

So good to see you back.