I'm laughing enough to warrant more than a LOL. I've never opened my own sample of the stuff (maybe my subconscious knew I wasn't ready for this guy)!
Open it--live dangerously. His brawny exterior hides a cuddly quality.
This is so funny! Believe it or not Serge Noir is my favorite SL.
I believe it. SN is really a fascinating creation, and the base is much smoother and calmer than most SLs.
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I'm laughing enough to warrant more than a LOL. I've never opened my own sample of the stuff (maybe my subconscious knew I wasn't ready for this guy)!
Open it--live dangerously. His brawny exterior hides a cuddly quality.
This is so funny! Believe it or not Serge Noir is my favorite SL.
I believe it. SN is really a fascinating creation, and the base is much smoother and calmer than most SLs.
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