Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Starhawk

"So I speak of the Goddess as weaver, as spider, and I begin to pay attention to the spiders who build their webs in my corners. I experience the web as a rhythm of strands and spaces. I see that there are points of connection and openings, and that this interplay of stuff and space gives the whole web a tension that is taut, yet elastic; that springs. I meditate on the web and it is the feel of that tautness that I take in, that I savor until I know it, can call it forth at will. I search in my own life for those points of connection, for those spaces--in words, in relationships--and knowing the feel of the web gives me the power to be able to feel for that same tautness in the knots and spaces of my life."

From Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex and Politics, Fifteenth Anniversary Edition by Starhawk (Beacon Press, 1997).

Photo from Wikimedia Commons


Unknown said...

We can learn alot from nature.

I'm always in awe when the spiders around here start to show up in late summer and early fall and spin their webs right before dusk.

I love to watch them because they are so patient and precise when spinning.

And I think to myself, why can't be that patient in my own life?

Loved this entry BG.


Unknown said...

Sorry for the typo....

I meant to say:

Why can't I be that patient in my own life?

BitterGrace said...

I thought of you when I posted it, Dawn. I don't always love Starhawk. I get exasperated sometimes with the blathery tone. But lately I've been coming upon passages such as this one that I really like.

Patience is not my strong suit, either ;-)

dawnkana said...

Do you think patience is overrated? ;0

Alas, I am a hypocrite because impatient people get on my nerves. The irony!!

I inherited the IMpatient gene from my mother. How about you - is this a family thing?

Hey, I'll be back soon and just in case you leave before I get back, have a fantastic time in Scotland!


chayaruchama said...

Sorry it took me so long to respond-

I loved the spider 'thread'...[Yup, I'm hearing your groans- and lovin' it]

BitterGrace said...

Not groaning, Chaya--'cause it's you ;-)

Oh, yeah, Dawn--I totally blame my impatience on my genes. Both parents passed it down to me. On the off chance you see this before you go, Bon Voyage!