Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Bruno's siblings also left the nest late yesterday. I was interested to see that the two of them remained huddled together, while Bruno stayed off to himself. Apparently, with birds as with people, ambition tends to interfere with relationships. It's lonely at the top. There's no sign of any of them this morning.

John Rogers informs me that he plans to get one more tattoo, and then "quit for a while." He didn't say what it would be. He promises pics when it's done.

I said yesterday that husband Dave was winging his way to California. He was actually winging his way to Iowa. I never know where the heck that guy is.


Juvy Santos said...

They fledged so fast, it seems. Wasn't it just yesterday that they were fully dependent on parents?

chayaruchama said...

Empty nest, on many levels...

Ah, Mr. Dave.
Keeps things fresh, though-
Don't it ?

BitterGrace said...

You know, I was pretty surprised that the meek ones fledged so quickly. The parents more or less forced them out of the nest. I hope everybody makes it--even Bruno. It'd be nice of they nested someplace else next time. I get tired of cleaning poop off my car!

BitterGrace said...

"Ah, Mr. Dave.
Keeps things fresh, though-
Don't it ?"

I suppose it does. I don't know what I'd do if I had a husband flaked out in the recliner every night.