Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mark Jarman, et al.

As usual, I give you a reader painting to accompany a new Chapter 16 post. Something about this red-haired girl makes me want to look at her for hours, but I encourage you to leave her and go read my interview with poet Mark Jarman. He has interesting things to say about his work and about the impact of digital media on poetry. He also talks about Robinson Jeffers, a poet who has been featured on this blog many times.

Other recent pieces on the site include Susannah Felts's Q&A with writer Kevin Wilson and a review from Ed Tarkington of The Illumination, a new novel by Kevin Brockmeier.

Here's snippet of Jarman's poem "Coyotes." You'll find a link to the complete poem at the interview:

Is this world truly fallen? They say no.
For there's the new moon, there's the Milky Way,
There's the rattler with a wren's egg in its mouth,
And there's the panting rabbit they will eat.
They sing their wild hymn on the dark slope,
Reading the stars like notes of hilarious music.
Is this a fallen world? How could it be?

Young girl reading, Federigo Zandomeneghi (1841-1917)

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